It's easier to agree than disagree. But we learn a lot from conversations where we don't see eye to eye — if we can listen carefully, reflect honestly and talk reasonably. Unfortunately, many of us either shy away completely from disagreements or lose our temper when things don't go our way.
Everyone has a right to an opinion. By valuing the opinions of others and learning strategies to engage in respectful, positive conversations, we equip ourselves with valuable skills. Conflict is present in all facets of life. There will always be someone with a different idea or opinion, or someone who wants to do things differently. When we have the ability to engage in respectful communication and disagree with respect, we can work through conflicts peacefully and strengthen our understanding and relationships with others.
REConnecting Lincolnshire is working with teachers, children and young people to learn how to manage, encounter and dialogue with respect and disagree well.
Activity title: Writing a letter to a character
Activity description:
Pupils will use the audio clips of Our Place to explore ways in which the characters might learn how to disagree well. They will produce letters of advice that set out some of the key
elements of disagreeing well.
Activity title: Mood Mapping
Activity description:
Pupils will analyse monologues from Our Place to identify different emotions and their impact on the characters. They will use this to reflect on the ways in which emotions affect people’s words, behaviour and choices.