The ability to mentally project the self forward in time is uniquely human and of vital importance to the evolution of human culture. Research suggests that this ability is in place by ages 4 or 5.
It is important for us to encourage children to imagine possible futures as it can help them make the links between their future hopes/desires and their present actions and choices.
Encouraging children and young people, to think about their interests, dreams and goals lets them see possibilities for the future. The key is to empower them to take ownership of their academic and social-emotional growth and become architects of their own success.
REConnecting Lincolnshire is working with teachers, children and young people and families to enable young people to explore issues related to their futures.
Activity title: Futures 1 – The History of Religion(s)
Activity description:
Pupils will carry out research using disciplinary skills and second-order concepts associated with history (e.g. cause and consequence, change and continuity, similarity and difference, significance, evidence and interpretation).
They have the option of sharing their work using digital technologies.
Activity title: Futures 2 – Context Matters
Activity description:
Pupils will make connections between the different experiences of the characters in Our Place and the different experiences of religious believers around the world; they will use information from independent research or textual analysis to understand the importance of context when understanding and talking about religion and belief.